From Pawns to Global Powers: Middle East Nations Strike Back
Former ambassador Chas Freeman, Jr. argues that we have entered a new era in which players are shifting on the geopolitical chess table.
Former ambassador Chas Freeman, Jr. argues that we have entered a new era in which players are shifting on the geopolitical chess table.
Hamilton Cain reviews a police procedural that connects Norfolk, Virginia with the late Iraq War and the streets of Mosul.
Melissa Chemam interviews the French-Algerian novelist Faïza Guène on the publication of her novel "Discretion" in English translation.
Rana Asfour talks to Syrian-born and raised qanunist Maya Youssef, who now lives and teaches in the UK.
Laëtitia Soula toured the expansive photo exhibit Portraits of France, which celebrates the lives of 318 immigrants who paid it forward.
Bethlehem native and novelist Karim Kattan reviews the new book by Jacob Norris that tells the 19th century story of the town's evolution.
Sally AlHaq reviews the recent book by Yasmin El-Rifae on the history of sexual assault in Tahrir Square and what one group did to fight it.
Novelist R.P. Finch reviews the debut novel of Aisha Abdel Gawad, set in the "Arabland" of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.
Speaking of Arab revolutions, Tugrul Mende reviews a new book from Stanford looking back at revolutionaries of Dhufar, south Oman.
Our woman in Tunis, Sarah Ben Hamadi, is alarmed at the surging anti-African racism plaguing Tunisia, endemic to North Africa.
Iason Athanasiadis reviews the film of a migrant story set in Greece that has just been nominated for 17 Greek Cinema Academy Awards.
Deborah Williams reviews the new literary thriller from Rebecca Makkai that makes us question everything we know.
Rula Khateeb Jarallah reviews the news translation of the Mohammed Said Hjiouij novella in which a man is transformed into a monkey.
Malu Halasa finds unexpected tastes, pleasures and upsets at the 2023 London Book Fair.
Janine AlHadidi reviews the gritty mystery thriller set in east Amman that has Jordanians talking.