
The Markaz Review (TMR) is a nonprofit publication and virtual center that seeks to promote the writers, artists, filmmakers and other creative people of the greater Middle East, generally thought to include the Arab world, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan and North Africa. As an online community, TMR is a creative and literary destination that seeks to erase the boundaries between peoples and celebrate culture.

Why Now? Why TMR?

Because we wish to continue to speak in our own voices, and there is still so much work to do…

In 2020, the New York Times published a damning report that showed that the vast majority of the literature published in the United States since 1950 has been by white writers: “Of the 7,124 books for which we identified the author’s race,” the authors wrote, “95 percent were written by white people.” In addition, the last time we checked, only about 3% of the literature published in the US consists of translations. To compare, as of 2019 one of six books published in France were translations—roughly 15%.

TMR consistently publishes Arab, Iranian and other artists and writers from beyond the Eurocentric pale. We translate from Arabic, Persian, Turkish, French and Spanish. And so the purpose and value of The Markaz Review becomes evident: rather than being akin to the missionaries of yore who brought the Gospel to the world’s perceived backwaters, TMR brings the rest of the world to European and American shores—or at least the Arab/Muslim world, which includes parts of Africa and Asia.

The Markaz Review or TMR is published in partnership or with the support of a number of foundations and organizations, listed here. We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and disseminating rigorous, incisive, and engaging writing on every aspect of literature, culture, and the arts.

TMR exists by the sheer grace of our supporters. Thanks for reading, sharing and supporting TMR.

Sharing Our Stories

Sharing our stories, our arts and culture, our history, and our aspirations for a more peaceful, just world, we come together in dialogue. But we are under no illusions—the reality today is that there is far too much anti-refugee, anti-immigrant, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiment. Xenophobia, antisemitism and racism in Europe and the United States are rampant. TMR is a place to mitigate this negative void and fill it by educating people worldwide, to prevail in the search for creative, intellectual and spiritual evolution.

With racism, violence and extremism on the rise, our challenge was to raise the consciousness of Americans in such a way as to humanize all the peoples of the greater Middle East while serving our communities in diaspora.

Our Approach

Markaz programs served the interests of rapprochement and peer-to-peer diplomacy by welcoming people of every nation and religion, erasing the boundaries between peoples.