Going Home—a photo essay by Jassem Ghazbanpour
These days, for Iranian photographer Jassem Ghazbanpour, who began shooting the Iran-Iraq war at age 16, home is where he points his camera.
These days, for Iranian photographer Jassem Ghazbanpour, who began shooting the Iran-Iraq war at age 16, home is where he points his camera.
Katie Logan reviews the latest book from Gil Hochberg, which studies Palestinian archives and artists while imagining a brighter future.
Writer-photographer Susan Schulman documents the climate devastation that has sent many Iraqis into internal exile.
Malu Halasa tours the exuberant exhibition from artist Soheila Sokhanvari that celebrates strong Iranian women.
Arie Amaya-Akkermans reflects on Lamia Joreige's "Uncertain Times," which represents the Lebanese wars and their aftermath.
Malu Halasa reviews 12 of 40 Palestinian, Arab and international artists showing in the third annual Ramallah Art Fair.
The Markaz Review recommends the following exhibitions, on now in Paris, New York, Montpellier, London, Marseille and Beirut.
Pierre Daum, a correspondent for Le Monde Diplomatique, goes in search of Algerian artists in Algiers.
Laëtitia Soula caught the opening of Djamel Tatah's extravagant show at the Musée Fabre in Montpellier, where she spoke with the artist.
Jordan Elgrably tours the MO.CO exhibition in Montpellier devoted to the people of Chile, Sarajevo and Palestine.
Nora Ounnas Leroy reviews the Palestine collection in MO.CO's "Museums in Exile" exhibition, in Montpellier through Feb. 5, 2023.
Mariam Elnozahy reviews the new exhibit at London's Mosaic Rooms that looks at ecology and politics in Lebanon.
Berlin-based Palestinian photographer Mohamed Badarne traveled to Qatar and Nepal to photograph World Cup workers.
In HEROINES, artists pay homage to the late Mahsa Jhina Amini and the women-led uprising for freedom in Iran.
Salma Ahmad Caller reflects on curating a unique museum-quality exhibition of postcards and objects orientalizing women