The Egyptian Revolution and “The Republic of False Truths”
Aimee Dassa Kligman reviews the latest novel from the exiled author of "The Yacoubian Building."
Aimee Dassa Kligman reviews the latest novel from the exiled author of "The Yacoubian Building."
Mohamed Kheir’s oneiric novel takes readers on a journey around Egypt after the failed Arab Spring.
After surviving an Egyptian prison and obtaining asylum in the United States, Ahmed Naji contemplates wasta and standing in line.
Columnist Melissa Chemam argues we ought to take the long view on the Arab uprisings and remember the many French revolutions by way of precedence.
In which Egyptian-Syrian-French journalist and novelist Robert Solé considers the Arab awakenings across the region.
An Egyptian in Berlin finds she and her partner live in a state of seemingly permanent transition.
Photojournalist Iason Athanasiadis shares his remembrance and unpublished photos from the decisive battle of the 18 days that shook the world.
Trump's "favorite dictator" is Egyptian president Abdefattah el-Sisi, who calls for journalists critical of his regime to be severely punished.