Fiction: Inaam Kachachi’s The Dispersal, or Tashari
An excerpt from Inaan Kachachi's novel that laments the scattering of Iraqis across the world as a result of war and political oppression.
An excerpt from Inaan Kachachi's novel that laments the scattering of Iraqis across the world as a result of war and political oppression.
This bleak and hyper real short story by Hassan Blasim is reminiscent of Ghassan Kanafani's novella "Men in the Sun."
Syrian British novelist Rana Haddad reviews the new feature film from Sally El Hoseini on Netflix.
As a Muslim American and scholar of Islam, Sarah Eltantawi finds the new series from Mo Amer and Ramy Youssef cathartic.
Poet Becky Thompson talks about her new collection of poems devoted to the migrant crisis and the struggle to find home.
An Egyptian refugee in Berlin, longing for a home of his own, hopes love is around the corner.
Angélique Crux reviews the award-winning documentary from Lebanese filmmaker Wissam Tanios.
In this magical tale set in Lebanon and on a mysterious Mediterranean island, people dream of escape while a biologist seeks an elusive salamander.
Laila Halaby on the new novel from Lebanon's multilingual feminist poet and powerhouse.
Our music columnist Melissa Chemam, disturbed by the war in Ukraine, makes the link between Odesa and Beirut via DJ Sama' Abdulhadi.
Observing the Russia-Ukraine conflict, a Lebanese American journalist in London, married to a Syrian refugee, finds the racist double standard on refugees unsettling.
TMR's editor reflects on the experience of seeking home and refuge.
Thomas Dallal reviews Haider Rashid's new feature film, "Europa," Iraq’s foreign feature film entry to the upcoming 94th Academy Awards.
In Iran, Afghan refugees have been a part our everyday lives for over four decades now.
Rana Asfour shares her thoughts on the widely-celebrated book from Dina Nayeri, who writes that escaping and becoming a refugee preoccupied her life for more than 20 years.