Chronicles of a Boy Manqué
Growing up a "Boy Hassan" in Latakia, Rana Haddad refused to wear a dress and act like a lady, bucking the conventions of her day.
Growing up a "Boy Hassan" in Latakia, Rana Haddad refused to wear a dress and act like a lady, bucking the conventions of her day.
Rana Haddad interviews hybrid hopscotching writer Michael Vatikiotis on his colorful life and work spanning continents.
Syrian British novelist Rana Haddad reviews the new feature film from Sally El Hoseini on Netflix.
"What a British person imagined Syria or the Middle East to be ... was more important than what I or people like me thought. We were subjective, but their opinions were objective."
British-Syrian novelist Rana Haddad compares her experience growing up in Syria with the way people beyond Syria's borders see her country.
Rana Haddad interviews Istanbullu novelist Nektaria Anastasiadou about the little-known Rum community of Istanbul featured in her new novel.