“The Salamander”—fiction from Sarah AlKahly-Mills
In this magical tale set in Lebanon and on a mysterious Mediterranean island, people dream of escape while a biologist seeks an elusive salamander.
In this magical tale set in Lebanon and on a mysterious Mediterranean island, people dream of escape while a biologist seeks an elusive salamander.
Nora Lester Murad reviews a "far-fetched" story of a marriage between a Palestinian Muslim and an American Jew.
Palestinian Israeli Maurice Ebileeni looks at the Palestinian experience within and beyond the homeland.
Saliha Haddad reviews the third novel in English translation by Egyptian writer Hamdi Abu Golayyel.
Sherine Elbanhawy lives in the pages of a memoir in verse and finds herself reluctant to leave, identifying with how its author unpacks the complexities of exile, home, family and love.
Former prisoner and Egyptian writer in exile Ahmed Naji contemplates what it means to be a "brown writer" in exile in America.
TMR's editor reflects on the experience of seeking home and refuge.
Rana Asfour shares her thoughts on the widely-celebrated book from Dina Nayeri, who writes that escaping and becoming a refugee preoccupied her life for more than 20 years.
Shereen Malherbe reviews a new book from a first-time Gazan author based in London.
Travel the world, meet people, see great places, without ever leaving the comfort of your screen…welcome to the pandemic!
A new poem by Sholeh Wolpé from the forthcoming collection, Abacus of Loss, University of Arkansas Press 2022.
Travel the world, meet people, see great places, without ever leaving the comfort of your screen…welcome to the pandemic!
On my recent trip to the Mission at San Luis Obispo, I recognized the abandoned base where in the past the statue of Junipero Serra, had stood in its glory.
Jordan Elgrably finds that the family memoir of a Libyan American is one that we can all identity with.