The Middle East is Once Again West Asia
Ambassador Chas Freeman on the dynamism of West Asia and the west's failing geopolitical grip on "the greater Middle East."
Ambassador Chas Freeman on the dynamism of West Asia and the west's failing geopolitical grip on "the greater Middle East."
Yousef M. Aljamal surmises renewed attacks on Jenin signal Israel's intention to end Palestinian hopes for statehood.
Former ambassador Chas Freeman, Jr. argues that we have entered a new era in which players are shifting on the geopolitical chess table.
Our woman in Tunis, Sarah Ben Hamadi, is alarmed at the surging anti-African racism plaguing Tunisia, endemic to North Africa.
For eight years, a blind Palestinian school principal has resisted persistent Israeli efforts to drive his family out of Jerusalem.
Mireille Rebeiz remembers her Tante Rose and the lore of Armenian culture-history in Lebanon, where forgetting is endemic.
Mireille Rebeiz objects to geopolitical hypocrisy when it comes to migrants and workers' rights, and supports the upcoming US-Iran match in Doha.
Human rights activist Stephen Rohde argues that even in the most heinous of cases, life with the possibility of parole should be on the table.
I. Rida Mahmood observes that while people in Iran and Arab countries are roiling for more equality and freedom, they are not taking any cues from the west.
For nearly 40 years, writes Sara Mokhavat, her generation in Iran has gone from one crisis to another.
An attack on one writer anywhere is an attack on freedom of expression everywhere.
Ani Zonneveld, leader of a progressive Muslim organization, argues that the United States is sliding perilously toward theocracy.
Pierre Daum opines that despite a French museum's best effort, an exhibit on Algeria and France can't escape its colonial bias.
World Refugee Day is the first of seven days during which refugees will be recognized in events across the world.
Mark Habeeb proposes a sensible approach to studying the problem of the lack of peace in Israel-Palestine.