Can love act as a transformative force during challenging times, in the face of 2000-pound bombs, drones, AI surveillance, snipers, annexation and expulsion?
Can love act as a transformative force during challenging times, in the face of 2000-pound bombs, drones, AI surveillance, snipers, annexation and expulsion?
Film and photography festivals, concerts, art, standup comedy, lectures...TMR World Picks run the gamut and are selected by our editors.
Cairo-born novelist Leila Aboulela weaves the sad story of two sisters' alienation on the eve of the uprising in Tahrir Square.
Malu Halasa reports on the myriad ways Iranians circumvent Iran's heavy-handed media to get their news.
In HEROINES, artists pay homage to the late Mahsa Jhina Amini and the women-led uprising for freedom in Iran.
When an oppressive, insulting cleric makes life unbearable at a university campus in Tehran, students rebel. Pandemonium ensues.
Abir Kopty argues that German guilt is being used to silence Palestinians and others who protest on their behalf.
Farah Abdessamad responds to Tunisia's July 25 constitutional referendum with a poem for her country.