
TMR Issue 21 – May- 2022 – 109 pages

When it comes to identity, we’re clear on what we mean by Palestinian or Israeli, but what about Palestinian citizens of Israel? Otherwise known as Israeli Arabs, Arab Israelis or ’48 Palestinians (who grew up within the Green Line), their situation is complex, especially in times of heightened tension, when some Israeli Jews view them as a fifth column. In this issue, TMR undertakes a nuanced exploration.



Table of content TMR 21


From the Editor: On Being “Palestinian” in Israel – Jordan Elgrably

Fouad Agbaria: FeaturedArtist – The Markaz Review – TMR

We, Palestinian Israelis – Jenine Abboushi

Can the Bilingual Speak? – The Markaz Review – Anton Shammas

In East Jerusalem, Palestinian Youth Struggle for Freedom – Mischa Geracoulis

Palestinian Rapper Tamer Nafar Goes the Distance: An Interview – Sheren Falah Saab

Palestinian and Israeli: Excerpt from “Haifa Fragments” – Khulud Khamis

Palestinian Filmmaker, Israeli Passport – The Markaz Review – Jordan Elgrably

Three Poems from Asmaa Azaizeh – Asmaa Azaizeh

“Being There, Being Here: Palestinian Writings in the World” – Brett Kline

Arguments Toward a Universal Palestinian Identity – Maurice Ebileeni