Gaza, You and Me
A Palestinian student in Gaza and a Palestinian doing post-doctoral work in the States compare their experience of the May 2021 Israel-Hamas conflict.
A Palestinian student in Gaza and a Palestinian doing post-doctoral work in the States compare their experience of the May 2021 Israel-Hamas conflict.
Taylor Miller explores the aesthetics of gentrification and the "settler colonial hydra that continually displaces, erases, and reinscribes Palestinian space."
Muralist Francisco Letelier travels to the West Bank to help a Palestinian community confront the Occupation with art.
Reviewer Patrick James Dunagan on poetry that strives to cope with the anguish of Israel's decades-long military occupation of the Palestinian people.
Gil Anidjar reviews A Bibliography for After Jews and Arabs, and suggests that "our problem is that we have stopped listening to the poets."
A spoken word poem from the author of The Twenty-Ninth Year and The Arsonists' City.
Layla AlAmmar takes us into the heart of Adania Shibli's literary thriller, where Palestinian lives are but a "minor detail."
With Children of the Ghetto, My Name is Adam, a lyrical story about Palestine's 1948 exodus, Elias Khoury continues his exploration of the 20th century tragedy.
Palestinian attorney and a founder of the human rights organization Al-Haq, Raja Shehadeh takes us on a journey of memory and history, from Ramallah to Jerusalem.
New literature translated from abroad is a cause for celebration.