Aïda Nosrat of Atine: Artist at Work
Jordan Elgrably interviews free-spirited Iranian performer Aïda Nosrat on music, exile, freedom, and a passion for mixing cultures.
Jordan Elgrably interviews free-spirited Iranian performer Aïda Nosrat on music, exile, freedom, and a passion for mixing cultures.
A book challenging myths and stereotypes about sexuality in the Arab world, exploring the language of queerness in the region.
A world-renowned artist believes citizen photojournalism empowers communities to tell their own stories, giving it significant power.
Film and photography festivals, concerts, art, standup comedy, lectures...TMR World Picks run the gamut and are selected by our editors.
A Gaza diary that is a physician's personal testimony on life under excruciating, unrelenting bombardment, loss and hardship.
A book addressing the Adana massacre and exploring the events and dynamics that lead to acts of violence and why ordinary people commit them.
A few words from the editors on the passing of Elias Khoury, on September 15, 2024.
Western democracies share responsibility for the political upheaval that has shaken the Middle East from the 20th century until today.
Editors recommend their top ten titles to read this season, from novels set in Egypt, Zanzibar, Oman and Palestine to Afghan and Syrian nonfiction.
Celebrating the 19th Rencontre des Arts du Monde Arabe, Festival Arabesques will be held from September 10 to 22, 2024, in Montpellier.
A Gaza-based writer captures the intense and harrowing experiences of individuals enduring the brutal realities of genocide.
Film and photography festivals, concerts, art, standup comedy, lectures...TMR World Picks run the gamut and are selected by our editors.
Art, activism, archaeology, and archiving are crucial for rebuilding and healing cities by combining the past and present.
When a mother loses her child she can become inconsolable, living a desolate life, as she works for his return.
The essence of Palestinian resilience, survival, and resistance is rooted in dispossession, as noted by Dana El Saleh.