TMR’s Multilingual Lexicon of Love for Valentine’s Day
Expressions of love in Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, Turkish and Kurdish, to give Valentine's Day a new meaning.
Expressions of love in Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, Turkish and Kurdish, to give Valentine's Day a new meaning.
Jennifer Hattam reviews "After the Birds: Utopia" at Istanbul's Sadberk Hanım Museum — an exhibition inspired by refugees.
Amal Ghandour, author of "This Arab Life," casts her penetrating gaze on the burdens of Lebanon, including the economic meltdown and political gridlock.
Evelyne Accad reviews a new book on Lebanese women and war, a collection of oral stories told in Arabic and translated by Malek Abisaab.
In her Sudden Journeys column for February, Jenine Abboushi unfurls the Jordanian desert and mountains in the Wadi Feynan.
Paris-based critic Brett Kline finds that the latest season of "Fauda" lacks in verisimilitude what it makes up for in violence.
Viola Shafik has seen several post-thawra Arab features that convey a bleak and dystopian vision of the present.
A journalist in Tehran walks defiantly without covering her hair through one of the city's busiest thoroughfares.
Malu Halasa tours the exuberant exhibition from artist Soheila Sokhanvari that celebrates strong Iranian women.
In our Letters From Tehran series, Iranians write intimately about daily life in the city following last fall's Women-Life-Freedom protests.
Bavand Karim finds that's Panah Panahi's feature is a prodigal debut from Iranian cinema’s latest auteur and son of Jafar Panahi.
Rana Asfour has selected four contemporary novels of Iranian literature for this special issue on Iran in TMR Weekly.
Music writer Melissa Chemam interviews Rasha Nahas on her new Arabic-language album, "Amrat."
Adil Bouhelal reviews the new novel from the author of "Le Nez Juif" with its exploration of Lebanon from 1975 forward.
Arie Amaya-Akkermans reflects on Lamia Joreige's "Uncertain Times," which represents the Lebanese wars and their aftermath.