Resilient Cartographies: Histories of the Persian Gulf
History writing opens the door for the writers and their readers to see the Persian Gulf as a connecting point rather than a delimited void.
History writing opens the door for the writers and their readers to see the Persian Gulf as a connecting point rather than a delimited void.
Sophie Kazan Makhlouf challenges misconceptions that an authoritarian government precludes politically-critical cultural production.
The editors of The Markaz Review recommends several world events from Oct 13 — Oct 27, 2023.
A Markaz Review bi-weekly roundup of our editors' favorite selections from within the global arts and culture scene.
The Egyptian novelist and author of "Rotten Evidence: Reading and Writing in Prison" finds versions of Islam in the Nevada desert.
TMR presents an exclusive excerpt from Abeer Esber's fourth novel, translated here by Nouha Homad, about a Damascene woman on the run, hiding out in Dubai.
Covid-19 shows no sign of abating, forcing cities and some countries into more quarantines and further lockdown; without music, cinema, literature and artistic events, how long can we hold on?