Can love act as a transformative force during challenging times, in the face of 2000-pound bombs, drones, AI surveillance, snipers, annexation and expulsion?
Can love act as a transformative force during challenging times, in the face of 2000-pound bombs, drones, AI surveillance, snipers, annexation and expulsion?
What do we choose to remember, and what do we choose to forget? A special monthly issue devoted to the genre of memoir...
Science fiction and dystopias figure prominently in Arab literature going back more than 100 years, writes Elizabeth Rauh.
Four editors at The Markaz Review share some of their most anticipated titles publishing in 2024.
Youssef Rakha is more interested in what it means to be a contemporary Arab-Muslim independently of the West than an American Arab.
TMR's literary editor introduces the 2023 double summer literary issue.
In MK Harb's latest story, a man steps out of his home in Beirut after two years of living in isolation to a life-changing encounter.
Rana Asfour reviews a collection of stories from writer and educator Zein El-Amine, who was born and raised in Lebanon.
The best writing in "Alligator & Other Stories" starts a different conversation about Arab belonging and assimilation in America, through the prism of Syrian experience.