Musical Artists at Work: Naïssam Jalal, Fazil Say & Azu Tiwaline
Sarah Naili interviews musical artists who meld eastern and western instruments, and forms, to create their unique sounds of beauty.
Sarah Naili interviews musical artists who meld eastern and western instruments, and forms, to create their unique sounds of beauty.
Jordanian Rabee’ Zureikat is on a mission to restore severed links to the Arab past by reviving a musical heritage, one nay at a time.
David Rife reviews the latest fiction from the Sudanese British author of more than a dozen literary and noir novels.
Meet the fabulous vocal duo formed in Marseille known as Zoppa, weaving together Spanish, Greek, jazz and world music influences.
No other instrument entrances quite like the ‘ud. Sherifa Zuhur presents a portrait of the world's notable ‘ud masters.