Welcome to Poetry Markaz, where we bring you not only poems but also the poets themselves.
If poetry is food for the soul, then think of Poetry Markaz as a place to delect literary appetizers. We present poetry in a way that is often not seen in today’s electronic literary journals.
Each month we present two, sometimes three books of poetry. The presentation package consists of a short video of the poet (or editor, if an anthology, and translator, if a translation) alongside two poems from the collection. That way, if you like what you have “tasted,” you can use the link to order the book and enjoy it in whatever manner you consume poetry.
I hope you are moved by our offerings and share our international journal with your friends and colleagues. If you are a poet and have a book out, whether forthcoming, new or recent, you’re welcome to get in touch by emailing poetryeditor-at-themarkaz.org.
—Sholeh Wolpé, Poetry Editor of The Markaz Review