Mostafa Nodeh: Featured Artist Interview
Shooting in black and white with a minimalist approach, Iranian photographer Mostafa Nodeh transcends boundaries of identity and time.
Shooting in black and white with a minimalist approach, Iranian photographer Mostafa Nodeh transcends boundaries of identity and time.
Film & photography festivals, concerts, art, standup comedy, lectures...TMR World Picks run the gamut and are selected by our editors.
Film & photography festivals, concerts, art, standup comedy, lectures...TMR World Picks run the gamut and are selected by our editors.
Continuously displaced Palestinians redefine "home" in Osama Kahlout’s surprising photographs from the war on Gaza.
Exile retold through embroidered Palestinian stories, by documentary photographer and visual storyteller Rasha Al Jundi.
Emerging from Covid, a prominent Iranian photographer documents the working-class as the country reels under sanctions.
Writer-photographer Ara Oshagan mediates on the borders between North and South Korea and the blockaded enclave of Artsakh.
Photographers Zeest Marrium and Mohamed Badarne each captured the lives of Doha construction workers.
Bird photographer Hamad Al Khualifi devoted years to documenting the wildlife of Qatar, once reportedly spending two years in the wild to document a Pharaoh Eagle-Owl.
Yesmine Abida, a Tunisian in the diaspora, returns home to document the last vestiges of Nabeul's once-thriving Jewish community.
Anam Raheem spent five years working in Gaza and the West Bank, and felt herself at home among the Palestinians who befriended her.