Recipe for a Good Life: a Poem

15 April, 2022


Fari Bradley


Friendship, the foundation for good cooking

Equal measures:

Infinite understanding

Instant forgiveness, and benefit of doubt in even doses

Honesty seasoned with discrimination

Bags of patience (can be substituted with empathy).

A sprinkling of spontaneity.

(Tip: if you have any, a love for laughter will really add some zest to this recipe, add liberally.)


Blend all of the above equally but be careful not use too much patience, lest the flavor of the discrimination is lost.
Keep warm until nice and solid, after that store well to avoid going stale and use as soon as possible, as best enjoyed fresh.


Fari Bradley is an artist engaging with listening, language, and the environment. Bradley’s research-based practice spans the mediums of performance, radio broadcast, installation, and sculpture, and the research has appeared as articles and book chapters in The Wire Magazine, Ibraaz, and The Oxford Handbook of Sound Art. Her artworks often employ treated found objects, textiles, and their machinery and electronics, and core methodologies revolve around experimentalism, deep listening, and exercises in modes of communication and reception, mainly via performance, discussion and debate. Broadcast-as-practice includes producing and presenting an arts-radio show on West Asian and North African arts and culture, running 2005-2018 with occasional revivals on air, online and as an audio archive on


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