Avi Shlaim Interviewed by Layla Maghribi

17 November, 2023

Respected historian at Oxford and author Avi Shlaim (The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World) was born in Iraq but raised and came of age in Israel. In his new memoir Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab-Jew, he describes the bygone world of Arab Jews, reviews the narrative of Zionism and its call to “rescue” eastern Jews from the Middle East, and critiques many of the received ideas about Jews and Arabs. He also discusses Hamas and the history of Israel’s relationship with the Palestinians.


Layla Maghribi is a British Arab journalist, currently based in the UK after several years in the Middle East working for international media outlets, including Reuters and CNN International. Raised in England, Layla has lived in Italy, Syria, Lebanon and the UAE, and has a special interest in social issues affecting Arabic-speaking communities, particularly in relation to culture, immigration and mental health. She is currently the host of Third Culture Therapy, a podcast that explores mental wellbeing from a cultural perspective and is writing her first non-fiction book. You can read more of her work here or on Twitter @layla_maghribi.

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